Sunday, 16 February 2014

The Centenary - Time For a New War Memorial in Crawley?

With the proposed second runway at Gatwick Airport becoming more of a reality than ever and the news that the church at Lowfield Heath will have to be demolished to make way for it, this raises a number of questions about the bodies of the service men who are buried there and the Lowfield Heath war memorials never mind all the other burials and all the history.

We all know that Crawley has changed beyond all recognition from the small town it was a hundred years ago to the major conurbation it is today.

I believe the time has come to consider a new war memorial for Crawley and the surrounding districts. What shape this may take and where it should be placed are decisions best left to the powers that be.

What better way to show the world that these men are still being remembered.

One of the men buried at Lowfield Heath is Sergeant Major Frank Killick, one of three Killick brothers, who lost their lives during the Great War. The newspapers at the time reported it thus:

Death of Sergt. Major F. Killick – very many friends of the family will be grieved to hear of the death of Sergt. Major Frank Killick, whose home was at County Oak, Crawley, and who passed away on the 6th February 1919 in Hellingly Asylum, to which institution he was removed some months now. He had been in the army a good many years, seeing considerable service in the South African war and also in the war just ended. He unfortunately came home suffering from shell shock, and his illness subsequently became so acute that his removal to the institution named became necessary. The deceased was 42 years of age. The funeral took place at Lowfield Heath on Thursday afternoon, when there were many expressions of sympathy with the bereaved and of regret at the death of one man who was greatly respected by all who knew him.

We should never forget the price that was paid.

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