On Sunday afternoon Mr W. Kensett, so well known at Horsham for
his peculiarities, attempted to address a gathering in the Middle Square on the subject of ‘Peace.’
He had himself advertise the meeting some days before, and at the appointed
time Mr Kensett appeared and, mounted upon a box, commenced his speech. A
numerous gathering had assembled and frequently interrupted Mr Kensett’s
remarks, which were soon brought to an abrupt conclusion by some ladies present
singing the National Anthem. For his own safety Mr Kensett was escorted to the
Temperance Hotel, where he remained until the crowd had cleared away. The whole
proceedings were of an unseemly character, especially on the Sabbath, and it
was fortunate that those present did not show more resentment.
Meanwhile the first troops had arrived in Crawley.
The papers report that:
Mounted troops to the number of nearly two thousand arrived
at Crawley on Wednesday and were billeted in
the town for two nights. The local licensed houses, the public schools, the
YMCA, stables and other buildings were requisitioned for the men, and the
horses were located in various fields and meadows in the vicinity.
The arrival of so many troops and horses occasioned much pleasurable
excitement, and in the evenings of both days great crowds were about the
streets. The Crawley Town Band kindly and thoughtfully turned out and rendered
excellent music, and the enthusiasm of the large concourse of people were such
as has never been equalled in this district.
The West Crawley Brass Band also came out on Thursday night
and added much to the enlivenment of the town. The soldiers left the town with
happy memories of their stay at Crawley. Full
details of the troops’ movements are withheld in deference to the expressed
wishes of the authorities.
This very first arrival of soldiers in the town was a
precursor to the building of a ‘permanent’ soldier’s camp at Pease Pottage.
Crawley, so often in the past a half way house between London and the Coast, was assuming the same
role in war time.